Tuesday, March 29, 2005


... or more specifically Chook Soup, plus the mush and also featuring the rice. Also on the menu was a rolled of bread (brown in colour, Focksy, don't start), cleft in twain and the 2 new sides covered with a slice of the clover. A packet of bacon flavoured puffed wheat things where also served as a cheeky side, they were from Marks n Sparks 'you're a fat knacker' range so there were only 4 crisps in the packet. This made me feel: posh, angry, cheated, rich, hungry, sick and sleepy.

Oooo there are unwanted sarnie's in the kitchen left over form a swanky meeting, they are from PrĂȘt a Manger so they will all taste the same and will have more fat in them than 6 big macs, they will likely kill anyone by just attempting to lift them. I shall try to be strong and resist them.


Blogger Jimmy said...

Oh G,
I like brown bread rolleds. White bread, largely speaking, tastes like cotton wool.
Mum says its bad for you too.

However, the concept of meat soup has always troubled me.
Take the humble chicken, for example. In lumps, she's a tasty treat. In liquid form, she's not.
How does a lump of meat get turned into a liquid anyway? Who'd do that to a nice piece of chicken?
Its wrong, Gav. Wrong.

3:48 pm  
Blogger Flipper01 said...

o jimmy, what happens when we chew our meat? like mummy tells us to do? thats right, it turns all mushy, and almost liquid. Look at soup as a way of cutting out the middle man and getting that meat on board asap.

11:16 am  

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