Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Weds, L

Well, today i went shoe shopping with Bob, I followed him around Portobello road until he found the suitable pair of chunky black boot trainers he wanted. This took some time. I used to do this with somebody else... seemingly every other day... for shoes... and bags.... can't remember who that was now?... hmm... some chick I guess.

anyway, Lunch was purchased from what's called a "veg - er - teer - eey - an" shop. Its a strange concept, I couldn't quite place what was different about it, something was missing, it was... how can I put it... a bit odd I guess. Anyway, they seem to have run out burgers, and the bangers looked a funny colour so I went for a mix of pasta, 'shrooms, carrots and the broc. On the way back I stopped in the off license for a can of coke (diet (chilled (unflavoured))). It was all good.

p.s. Cheese was also present in the pasta.


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