Friday, April 08, 2005

T4Thursday + L4Friday + T4Friday (prediction)


last nights T was a bit of a shambles. The olds were watching Emmerdale Farm so I thought i'd make a start on T'ing the T. All looked well, we had the balls of meat, pasta stripes, and *sauce*. Yes guys, Allan had brought the carbonara sauce, for meating balls. What a nutter/rubbish T maker, he is. So, i added the Mush and some choppinged coriander (bit like lettice). It still tasted INCORRECT but we all managed to clean our plates and enjoy a yoghurted desert.


lunch 2day was from
M@D PRICED SOUP SHOP again, it was The Bag, with Brie (sorry G) The Mush, and Spinaches. *slightly* camp you say? Well, i'll agree and stay mild mannered.


Tonight we are going to a blueds pop disco in Londons the Spitz (sounds disgusting). This means T is to be hunted down in the street. Plans have be made to hit the Wagamamagagams where i shall enjoy Snake Katsu Curry, ALL the dumplins and prawns things they do, and a posh foriegn beer that people order by name to make themselves look smart.


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