Sunday, July 02, 2006

is this thing on?

hi kids. Been sometime since I blogged, so here's all my crap in one easy to digest stream of jpegs.
They said it couldn't be done... Steaming Hot Cola Cola! I say it shouldn't have been done.

A new Shell garage has opened down the road, with it's curiously named store "On The Run". We hit the store and were woefully let down at the lack of Bonnie and Cylde theming, but did find some amazing new uses of our old freind Meat.

My new Sega GameBoy title, "Brain Ache", seems to be just as PMPD for daily T updates as you do, my fellow T obsessed reader.

...and onto tonight's T. Up front is a bay of the cous and cous. No Man's land is being patrolled by the ever vigilant Corn Cobbed BBQ. The main offensive is The Pig on skewers, with The Pepps, The Onion and El Musho. Nesting coawrdly in the rear is left over skewer bits ala BBQ. Flanking the left overs is a tall glass of propper cider from some god foresaken farm in someset. In the far distance can be seen Sir Dad of BBQ. He appears to currently "getting it on-board", what a champion.