Friday, April 22, 2005

Fried-Day L

Hello Everybody,
And what a body. Yes, I'm talking about you, Focksy.
Welcome also to Lil' L. I admire your sentence construction and grammatic accuracy. This will provide a welcome development to our little Blogette.
Let's move on.
Todays, L, lads and L, was another sandwich of tuna. I had a special quest with today's sandwich, necessitated by a bag of salad which is teetering dangerously on the edge of death-by-expiry-date.
Its gone limp (again) so I set myself a personal goal of cramming as much of it into my sandwich as I could without reaching critical mass. I think I did quite well.
This was garnished with another bag of cheese et onion.

T prediction, Gav? Well, its a little early really, but it *is* Fried-day isn't it?
I think you know what I'm talking about, man.
Incidentally, while on my travels, I saw this amusing tag, which I naturally showed Focksy first so he could affect his usual tired, languid disinterest when I showed it to anyone subsequently.
Tagging is a bit new here in The Bourne.


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