Friday, April 22, 2005

Fri(ed), L

L, in belly, originally uploaded by flippers.

Well lads, and indeed lady, today's lunch was at what we call 'the pub'. It's fair to say it was medium to pretty good, but of course i'm not without my complaints. It was burgered beef, a delicacy that i'm sure you're familiar with. The patty itself was pretty floorless (I notice i have used the word 'pretty' twice already since the little lady has made her appearance in our little world, best not read too much into that), but get this lads (and lady) it was served in a godless focaccia. burgers come in baps. fact. notting hill, i tell yers, its wrong.

also present where big old wedges, which normally i'd sick right up again, but these ones went down ok. luckily it took the silly man about 45 mins to serve us so it was a good long lunch. but now i am back, making the internet bad, and selling things to children they never knew they wanted so badly.

Unfortunately i did not photograph the burger itself, the camera frame didn't go up high enough to capture it before it disappeared into my belly, so here is my belly.

ps. i'd like to offically welcome the chick to our little gang, welcome, please make yourself at home - feel free to tidy up and put the kettle on.


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