... or more specifically Chook Soup, plus the mush and also featuring the rice. Also on the menu was a rolled of bread (brown in colour, Focksy, don't start), cleft in twain and the 2 new sides covered with a slice of the clover. A packet of bacon flavoured puffed wheat things where also served as a cheeky side, they were from Marks n Sparks 'you're a fat knacker' range so there were only 4 crisps in the packet. This made me feel: posh, angry, cheated, rich, hungry, sick and sleepy.
Oooo there are unwanted sarnie's in the kitchen left over form a swanky meeting, they are from Prêt a Manger so they will all taste the same and will have more fat in them than 6 big macs, they will likely kill anyone by just attempting to lift them. I shall try to be strong and resist them.