Monday, April 25, 2005

Mon, L

Mon, L, originally uploaded by flippers.

Well, me and Focksy seem to be very related today as i too am dining a la francaise. As may notice I have opted for the snips crips, and the turkey club sarnie - a club for which i am a fully paid up member, it's a great club, other members include: bacon (crispy), sauce (cranberry), mayo (erm, mayo), cheese (cheddar? maybe? yeah, why not) plus pret secret sauce.
You may also notice my sarnie is half eaten and upside down, this must be a trick of the light. As you well know I normally buy my lunch and daintily pick at it for the next few hours.

Ok, moving on, the bevarge of choice was the cola (diet, you dont get a figure like this without some sacrifices lads, and lass). Focksy seems to have added a bucks to his order, but lets just say I think it was all his idea, he thought of it first, his was better and clown/tramp hair + handle bar tash™ is really all the rage.


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